852.2221/755: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Seville (Bay)

11. Your telegram No. 15 of March 22, noon. In view of statement by General Queipo de Llano that a considerable number of Americans were captured recently by forces of General Franco, you are requested to make inquiry through him regarding whereabouts and welfare of following American citizens reported captured by Franco forces while serving with armed forces of Spanish Government: Ezak Babsky, Morris Ecker, Ralph Lawrence Neafus, Leon Norvell Ticer and Paul MacEachron, Jr.

Department’s position regarding protection of American citizens serving with armed forces in Spain was set forth in its telegram of November 6, noon.36 However, in view of reports circulated in this country that Americans captured in Spain are in danger of execution, it would be helpful if Franco authorities would confirm our assumption that rules of war respecting treatment of prisoners are being respected.
