852.00/7881: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Secretary of State


483. Met Del Vayo by request in Paris to receive for transmission to Department and President elaborately prepared statement of all ships entering all Royalist ports for last 5 months to rectify impression that war material cannot enter Loyalist ports because of Franco’s control of sea. Report by pouch today.

Taking advantage of personal relationship interrogated him fully and he replied with apparent frankness. He predicts war will continue for a year unless Germany attacks Czechoslovakia and withdraws her officers and material from Spain which would mean early Loyalist victory. Government in touch with all its territory constantly by wireless. Original army defending Madrid shifted to Catalonia to make Barcelona equally impregnable and Madrid defended by Miaja’s second army which has been on Madrid front for months. Territory south of Catalonia teems with war factories and all self-supporting as to food save Madrid for which food has been accumulated for a full year. Curtailment of food rations in Barcelona for benefit of Madrid.

Franco’s announcement of intention to deprive Catalans of autonomous right and to outlaw their language has converted a lethargic into a militant and bitterly determined people. The slaughter of civilians by bombs has played a part in this.

He reported a conversation night before with Daladier with whom he dined. Was told British in London conference tried to force France to immediate closing of frontier under international guard without any attempt to stop German and Italian shipments but France refused. Daladier’s agreement when commission to count foreigners enter Spain agreeable to Del Vayo since weeks and months will be consumed in reaching satisfactory arrangement to control influx by sea and air. The consent of Spain necessary and can be withheld.

He wonders if we have calculated on the inevitable repercussions in South America on the result of Spanish war. Says in possession of positive information on propagandizing and organizing for Fascism and against American influence there by Hitler and Mussolini and says a Fascist triumph in Spain will give tremendous impetus to the Fascist movement and democratic victory would end it in its incipiency.

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