
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

The French Ambassador called to see me this afternoon and referred to a conversation he had had with the Secretary of State on Saturday, May 7,51 in the course of which the Secretary had inquired what news the Ambassador might have with regard to the attitude of the French Government towards the Spanish situation. The Ambassador told me that he had consulted his Government and had received a [Page 186] reply contained in an Aide-Mémoire which he left with me and of which the following is a translation:

[Here follows text of the aide-mémoire of May 9, 1938, from the French Embassy, printed infra.]

I told the Ambassador that I was most grateful for the information which he was good enough to give me in this way and that I would take pleasure in communicating it to the Secretary of State who I knew would be most appreciative.

S[umner] W[elles]
  1. Memorandum of conversation not printed.