852.00/7721: Telegram
The Counselor of Embassy in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:15 p.m.]
936. Alvarez del Vayo informed me this morning that although the military situation is still grave it is improving and that a possibility now exists that the rebel advance toward the sea can be stopped. The central (Lerida) forces also are holding their lines but those to the north in the neighborhood of Tremp are still disorganized and giving ground. Seasoned forces, however, are being sent to that sector where it is expected the lines also will be stabilized. With respect to the political situation Del Vayo expressed the opinion that the reorganization of the Government has greatly improved matters and that Loyalist Spain is now assembled in a “sacred union”. Drastic measures are being taken with respect to recruiting, draft evaders, and the food problem. Concerning public order he stated that the incipient wave of anarchism, which has produced more than a score of murders similar to those at the outbreak of the war, has been checked and that there will be no further trouble on this score since the members of the Popular Front now will maintain discipline within their own ranks.
Zugazagoitia, the former Minister of Interior, has been made Sub-Secretary of National Defense. Comorera, the Catalan Communist leader, is to become Commissar for Fortifications, and a member of the UGT will become General War Commissar.
As to the international aspect of the situation Del Vayo appears to be optimistic. He did not mention the present situation in France but seemed to regard the activities of the Labor Party in England and the resignation of Harold Nicolson42 as developments of significance. He again referred to the attitude of President Roosevelt. In answer to my inquiry he stated that no response has been made to the note addressed to the British and French Governments protesting against nonintervention.
- British Member of Parliament, National Labor Party; resigned vice-chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee.↩