852.00/7289: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in Spain ( Thurston ) to the Secretary of State

874. My 867, January 29, 10 a.m.16 A further statement on air raids issued today by the Minister of National Defense says that in view of the fact that the British and French Governments now have under consideration the initiative of January 28th, and despite its rejection over the Salamanca radio, orders have been given to the air forces to abstain from all far rear-guard raids and canceling the preparations being made to retaliate for last Sunday’s bombardment of Barcelona. The statement concludes with the assertion that while the British and French negotiations are in progress the Republican air forces will confine their activities to cooperation at the front with the army and to vigilance and reconnaissance operations over the rearguard.

Mr. Lazarescu, en route to France on courier service, was caught in an air raid at Figueras this morning. He telephoned from Perpignan that he had seen the remains of an American ambulance. I have been informed by the Ministry of State, after an investigation by the Ministry of National Defense, that no American was killed there.

  1. Not printed; but see his telegram No. 870, January 31, 11 a.m., p. 154.