611.3131/93: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Venezuela (Nicholson)

16. Your telegram No. 23, March 23, 5:00 p.m. Inform the Foreign Minister that until this Government is prepared to issue public announcement of intention to negotiate, all conversations concerning the general provisions are considered strictly confidential and that, therefore, it would be appreciated if special precautions are taken by the Venezuelan authorities to insure that any discussions of the general provisions with the Caracas Chamber of Commerce or with any other agency outside the Venezuelan Government will not be given any publicity.

You may inform the Foreign Minister, if the need arises, that by “ad referendum” the Department meant merely that any agreement reached by the Legation and the Venezuelan authorities with regard to the general provisions is subject to approval by the Department.

In view of your conversation with the Foreign Minister reported in your telegram No. 4 of January 12, 1937, the Department would appreciate any information which the Legation may have as to the reason for the hesitation on the part of the Venezuelan authorities in regard to the unconditional most-favored-nation principle.

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Please keep the Department currently informed by telegraph with respect to the progress of conversations.
