834.01/49: Telegram

The Minister in Paraguay (Howard) to the Secretary of State

29. Department’s 15, August 25, 7 p.m. The only countries which have officially recognized the new government, Cuba, Brazil and Uruguay. Chilean and Argentine Ministers have just received authority to recognize but are waiting until this afternoon in order to do so simultaneously with the United States if possible. Peru expecting authority momentarily.

Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs informed me this morning that recognition was not requested through Paraguayan Ministers accredited to countries not attending Minister for Foreign Affairs’ informal meeting on August 17. See my telegram 23, August 17, 1 [11] p.m. [a.m.?] and Department’s 12, August 17, 6 p.m. Therefore, Busk Codas has received no instructions. It is understood that some European Missions have received authority to recognize at their discretion and subject to action by the mediatory powers.
