724.34119/984: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

From Braden. Your 76, August 21, 1 p.m. telephoned to Howard, very bad connection. Insofar as I could hear conversation may be summarized as follows:

“Brazilian Minister states he has recognized. Uruguayan is about to do so. He has not consulted with Howard. The American Minister has heard nothing of the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs’ suggestion. He concurs in fears expressed in my telegrams 138, August 17, 9 a.m., and 139, August 17, 8 [5] p.m.; he agrees recognition may be deferred until Tuesday or Wednesday but naturally, from his viewpoint, wishes to recognize as soon as possible. He says undue delay might upset present Government though he does not think it likely. There has been no concerted action by the mediatory representatives in Asuncion.[”]

Repeated to Asuncion. [Braden.]
