
The Department of State to the Mexican Embassy8


It is understood that a decision is impending on numerous petitions for ejidal dotations affecting a great many American-owned [Page 605] properties of large and moderate dimensions in the Yaqui Valley. If these lands are expropriated very many individual Americans will be deprived of their properties.

When confronted a year or more ago with the probable loss of their properties in the near future, the landowners are understood to have joined together and proposed alternative solutions of the local land problem, one of which contemplated the creation of an ejidal district from land to be contributed by the private owners, which land was to be put in shape for the growing of crops at the present owners’ expense. Another plan involved the contribution of a substantial fund by the landowners by voluntary assessment over a period of a few years, which fund was to be employed for the purpose of enabling the agrarians to cultivate Government-owned lands, which are said to be available for distribution to them. During the last five or six months, the landowners, with the informal assistance of the American Vice Consul at Guaymas, have been trying to persuade the Mexican Government to accept one of these alternative propositions. There is no indication thus far that these efforts have been successful and the interested American citizens are now fearful lest action depriving them of their properties may suddenly be taken without further notice.

It is earnestly hoped that the Government of the United States or its representatives will be consulted before any final decisions affecting these American-owned properties are reached.

  1. Handed to the Mexican Ambassador on April 1.