715.1715/551: Telegram

The Chargé in Honduras (Cramp) to the Secretary of State

50. Successful conversation took place between the Foreign Ministers this afternoon and joint assurance that neither country will send troops to the frontier region will be released simultaneously tomorrow morning at 11.

I introduced the Foreign Minister here to Doctor Reyes25 and left the room during the entire conversation in order to eliminate any indication that I was party to the agreement.

The President and the Government here have reacted most favorably following first step toward bettering relations between the two countries.

Referring to my telegram 45, September 4, 10 p.m.26 I suggested to the Chargé d’Affaires in Managua this morning over the telephone that this Government would consider completely eliminating all mention of the present dispute over the radio here and that he discover whether the Nicaraguan Government would do likewise.

Following the agreement not to move troops, the Foreign Minister agreed to prohibit all radio broadcast concerning the question and to restrict the press to dignified comment and to discontinue all scurrilous articles.

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These two steps will go far towards relieving the present tension and I believe this Government would be amenable to any means by which the dispute can be settled with dignity.

  1. Manuel Cordero Reyes, Nicaraguan Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Not printed.