838.51/3368: Telegram
The Chargé in Haiti (Finley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3 p.m.]
39. Following interviews he had yesterday with Vincent and Leger, De la Rue informed me that the object of his conversations had been to communicate to them Eberstadt’s new proposal for a $15,000,000 refunding and public works loan. The proposal was, he stated, that $2,500,000 should be made available as soon as the loan could be prepared and approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission; another $2,500,000 to be made available as soon as possible but within 90 days and the balance to be taken “after October 1, 1937”. The price at which the bonds would be taken would be subject to discussion but Eberstadt would be given the right to handle the refunding operation. The latter would come to Haiti in the near future after he had been invited by the Haitian Government and after receiving assurances from the Haitian Government that it is not already pledged to do business with another firm.
De la Rue further stated that both Vincent and Leger have expressed a desire to have Eberstadt come to Haiti at the earliest possible date. Meanwhile, the conversations with regard to the protocol which were agreed upon in the Department on June 14 will, De la Rue states, be postponed.
I am forwarding by next air mail the text of De la Rue’s letter to Leger on this subject.
Since this is an entirely new démarche concerning which the Legation has only the above information, will the Department kindly cable me its views.