715.1715/529a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras (Cramp)
19. The Department has been informed that the Minister of War has informed Mr. Turnbull of the United Fruit Company that Honduras has not sent as yet a single man into the disputed territory or added to its forces along the already agreed upon border and is disposed to withhold moving any troops provided that the Nicaraguan Government agrees to do likewise.
For your information only, the Department was informed this morning by telephone by Dr. Luis Manuel Debayle in Nicaragua that Nicaragua is contemplating sending troops to protect border towns but only because Honduras has already dispatched troops into the [Page 64] disputed territory. The Department has reason to believe that if the Honduran Government will agree to maintain the status quo with respect to troops both in the disputed territory and along the already agreed upon border the Nicaraguan Government will agree to do likewise.
You are requested therefore to endeavor to secure a confirmation of the statement which the Minister of War is said to have made to Turn-bull as quickly as possible.