710.H Agenda/17
The Secretary of State to the Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe)
My Dear Dr. Rowe: I wish to make further reference to your letter of December 6, 1937, transmitting copies of the Project of Regulations for the Eighth International Conference of American States and requesting that observations concerning the Project be transmitted to the Pan American Union on or before March 1, 1938.
I desire to state that I have no suggestions to offer regarding the Regulations except to express on behalf of the United States of America a preference for article 11 of the Regulations of the Seventh International Conference of American States rather than the corresponding proposed article 11.4 Both of the articles in question appear on page 6 of the Report of the Subcommittee and deal with the official languages of the Conference and interpretations. In place of the proposed article 11 it is suggested that the following corresponding article of the Regulations of the Montevideo Conference be substituted:
“Art. 11. Delegates may speak in their own languages from manuscript or otherwise. The interpreters shall render a summary of the speech in the other official languages of the conference, unless the speaker or any delegate may request a complete translation of his remarks.
“The interpreters shall also render in the other official languages the remarks of the president and the secretary general of the Conference.”
Sincerely yours,
- The proposed article 11 read: “Art. 11. Delegates may speak in their own languages from manuscript or otherwise, and, if requested, the interpreters shall render a summary of the remarks in the other official languages of the Conference.”↩