
The Minister in Costa Rica (Hornibrook) to the Secretary of State

No. 77

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 64 of October 28, 1937, and to report as follows:

Under date of November 6 the Legation received a note from the Foreign Office wherein further participation of the American Government is requested in the construction of twenty kilometers of the Inter-American Highway between Naranjo and San Carlos. The note is self-explanatory and the Spanish text and a translation thereof are enclosed.28

In view of the inconsiderable number of miles involved in the project and limited expenditure of funds required, I most respectfully recommend that if an appropriation is still available, an early acceptance would be most desirable from the standpoint of promoting and maintaining American prestige in Costa Rica.

Respectfully yours,

Wm. H. Hornibrook
  1. Not printed.