
The Minister in Guatemala (Des Fortes) to the Secretary of State

No. 279

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 106, of June 8, 1937,19 File No. 810.154/1178, calling to my attention a discrepancy between the provisions of the offer of the Government of the United States of further cooperation in the construction of the Inter-American Highway, and the acceptance of that offer by the Guatemalan Government, as set forth in [Page 188] the note from the Foreign Office dated April 24, 1937,20 since in the former it was stipulated that the material and equipment supplied were to be used on the section of the highway between Asunción Mita and the frontier of El Salvador, whereas the acceptance of the offer by the Government of Guatemala provides that such material and equipment is to be used on the section of the highway between Asunción Mita and the bridge over the river Los Esclavos, which is exactly in the opposite direction from that indicated. The Department directs me to bring this discrepancy to the attention of the appropriate Guatemalan authorities with the view to obtaining a rectification of the matter in conformity with the provisions of the Department’s instruction of February 26, 1937, which were duly communicated to the Minister for Foreign Affairs by the Legation’s note of March 2, 1937.

Pursuant to these instructions I now have the honor to transmit herewith a copy, together with a translation thereof, of Note No. 7442, dated June 19, 1937, from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs,21 in which the Guatemalan Government gladly agrees to the rectification desired, and advises that the material and equipment furnished by the United States will be used on the section of the highway between Asunción Mita and the frontier of El Salvador.

Respectfully yours,

Fay Allen Des Portes
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed, but see despatch No. 239, April 27, from the Chargé in Guatemala, p. 185.
  3. Not printed.