
The Minister in Nicaragua (Long) to the Secretary of State

No. 385

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith translation of a note No. 2/37, for [from?] the Nicaraguan Foreign Office, dated January 9, 1937,2 which states that Nicaragua would like to construct 15 miles running northward from Tipitapa as a first link on the Inter-American Highway, for which purpose it has set aside with the Collector General of Customs the sum of C$165,000.00 córdobas—available as follows:

  • C$25,000–Immediately.
  • C$70,000–July 1st 1937.
  • C$70,000–January 1st 1938.

The note requests aid in the form of road equipment and materials, also that an Engineer be loaned to prepare plans and specifications on the section of the proposed first link.

The copy of the letter President Somoza sent to the Collector General of Customs, which accompanied the note mentioned above, is signed by him, and the copy of the Collector’s acknowledgment asserting that the orders would be respected is signed by Irving A. Lindberg.3

Respectfully yours,

Boaz Long
  1. Not printed.
  2. Collector General of Customs.