724.34119/1080: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell)
98. For Braden from the Under Secretary. Your 199, October 23 noon. The Paraguayan note which you refer to appears to me gravely disquieting in view of the conditions which it may engender. I suggest for your consideration the possibility of divorcing the consideration by the Conference of the allegations of Paraguay that the regulations are not in accord with the protocols and the suggestions for implementation of the non-aggression pact which the Chairman of the Paraguayan delegation has agreed to propose. On the first point I would assume that the Conference must adopt the position that the regulations are in accord with the protocol and that this subject can be discussed in a conciliatory fashion with the Paraguayan delegation.
With regard to the second point, that is the implementation of the non-aggression pact, it would seem to be becoming more than evident that direct negotiations cannot be successfully undertaken at least for a considerable time to come, that is until the political situation in Paraguay and in Bolivia has become far more stable than it now is. If my judgment on this point is correct, the only other course left would appear to be resort to the Hague court. Should resort be had to that procedure, a considerable time will undoubtedly elapse until the court has passed upon the case and until the two parties to the controversy have accepted the award. During that period the value of a well implemented non-aggression pact between Paraguay and Bolivia, negotiated with the moral support of the powers composing the Chaco Conference, will be very great inasmuch as it would presumably quiet tension between Bolivia and Paraguay and prevent the fear of a renewed attack on one side or the other.
I shall be glad to have you telegraph me what your views may be with regard to the points above mentioned.