738.39/92a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Norweb)
29. The President last night received the telegram from the President of Haiti requesting this Government to join with the Governments of Cuba and of Mexico in tendering their good offices to Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the controversy which has arisen between them. The President intends sending a reply to the President of Haiti by telegram which reply will be sent in more or less identic terms by the Presidents of Cuba and of Mexico.
[Here follows text of telegram dated November 14 from President Roosevelt to the President of Haiti, printed on page 135.]
The Presidents of Cuba, Mexico, and the United States will likewise send individual telegrams couched in approximately identic terms to the President of the Dominican Republic. The following is the text tentatively agreed upon:
[Here follows text of telegram dated November 14 from President Roosevelt to the President of the Dominican Republic, printed on page 136.]
In view of the statement volunteered to you by President Trujillo that he would avail himself of the friendly services of the Government of the United States should the latter consider it desirable to make the effort to facilitate a pacific solution of the controversy, it is assumed that President Trujillo will welcome the friendly offer of the three Governments named.
It would presumably be useful for you at this juncture to seek a further conversation with President Trujillo, to emphasize the friendly and impartial spirit of the Government of the United States in the controversy, and its hope that its friendly offices together with those of Cuba and of Mexico, if accepted, may serve to bring a prompt solution satisfactory both to the Dominican Republic and to Haiti.
Please keep the Department informed by telegram of any developments.