
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham) to the Secretary of State

No. 3197

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 107, March 27, 12 noon, regarding the question of the possible resumption of extraterritorial negotiations with the Chinese Government, and to the interim reply which Sir Alexander Cadogan44 made on behalf of the British Government and reported in the last two paragraphs of the Embassy’s No. 292, May 18, 6 p.m.45

[Page 643]

In this connection there is transmitted herewith copy of a further communication from the Foreign Office dated July 9, 1937.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
Herschel V. Johnson

Counselor of Embassy

The British Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Cadogan) to the American Counselor of Embassy in the United Kingdom (Atherton)

No. F3546/1906/10

Dear Atherton: In the interim reply on the subject of extraterritoriality in China that was sent to you on the 14th May last a further communication was promised after His Majesty’s Government had considered the questions of policy involved. I now write to say that His Majesty’s Government adhere to the view that it would be best to wait until the Chinese Government take the initiative in this matter. In the event of a request being received from the Chinese Government to negotiate on the subject of extraterritoriality, His Majesty’s Government are of opinion that they should adopt the same friendly and sympathetic attitude as in the previous negotiations, and that they should adhere substantially to the policy of the 1931 draft. His Majesty’s Government agree with the view expressed by the United States Embassy in China that the Chinese Government may now endeavour to obtain a more far-reaching abolition of extraterritoriality than that envisaged in the 1931 draft. Nevertheless it would seem best to begin negotiations on the broad basis of that draft and defer consideration of details until after the negotiations have actually begun.

As I have already indicated in my interim reply, His Majesty’s Government welcome and reciprocate the desire of the United States Government for continued collaboration between the two Governments in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Alexander Cadogan
  1. British Deputy Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Vol. iii, p. 102.