124.93/401: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
Nanking, December 12, 1937—7
[Received December 12—4 a.m.]
[Received December 12—4 a.m.]
1040. Embassy’s 1035, December 11, 5 p.m.
- 1.
- Shell fire at 9 o’clock this morning caused the Panay to move farther upstream and vessel is now anchored 27 miles above Nanking at mileage 221 above Woosung. Standard Oil Company’s steamers Meiping, Meian and Meisia are anchored nearby.
- 2.
- As from this Embassy please inform Japanese Embassy of present position of Panay and American merchant vessels named and request that appropriate instructions be issued to Japanese forces [and?] planes and that circumstances may again cause Panay to move [Page 487] further up or down river and that Panay expects to return down river to Nanking as soon as feasible in order to reestablish communications with Americans who remained in Nanking and in order that this Embassy may as soon as practicable resume its functions ashore. Please state that the American Embassy hopes that appropriate steps to facilitate this plan will be taken by all authorities who may be concerned.
- 3.
- Sent to Shanghai, repeated to Hankow, Peiping. Peiping please repeat to Tokyo with request that Embassy [at] Tokyo communicate to Japanese Foreign Office.
For the Ambassador: