393.1115/793: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
207. Department’s 202, September 13, 7 p.m.29 The following telegram has been received from Hankow:
“September 14, 4 p.m. My September 10, 5 p.m., and Embassy’s September 12, 11 a.m.,30 regarding special train to Canton. Responses [Page 328] received are 28 Americans from Killing, 10 from Hankow and 8 from Kikungshan. I saw responsible official Canton–Hankow Railway this morning who stated that owing to lack of equipment it would be impossible to run special train. I have therefore taken 20 places each for Americans on regular trains leaving Hankow on September 20th, 22d and 24th. Sent to Nanking. Repeated to Department, Peiping, Shanghai, Canton.”
The Department desires that you promptly communicate to the Japanese Foreign Office the information contained in Hankow’s telegram and request that the information be brought at once to the attention of the appropriate Japanese military authorities. Please impress upon the Foreign Office the urgency and importance that the responsible Japanese military authorities be directed to exercise every precaution to the end that the route and trains by which American citizens evacuate from Hankow via Canton shall not be subjected to air bombing or to any other form of military action which might endanger the lives of those Americans.