893.48/1146: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham)

362. Your 546, August 18, 7 p.m.,63 particularly the concluding sentence of the third paragraph.

On August 18 the British Ambassador64 here made inquiry under instruction whether, if required, accommodation could be found at Manila for British refugees from Shanghai and if so to what extent. On August 19 the Department made reply in substance as follows:

Refugees being evacuated from Shanghai who may come to Manila will of course be received in the Philippines. However, accommodations in existence are not expected to suffice for the present influx of American citizens who have already been or are at this moment being evacuated from Shanghai. Preparations are being made for emergency accommodation of these refugees and such as may arrive later. It may be assumed that some at least of the facilities provided will be on an emergency basis. If the British Government, with full understanding on its part and on that of its nationals of that fact, chooses to send British refugees to Manila, effort will be made by the American Government to see that such refugees be cared for along with and on the same basis as American refugees. It is assumed that so far as practicable the British Government would endeavor to have British refugees destined for Manila obtain the usual passport visas.

  1. Vol. iii, p. 441.
  2. Sir Ronald Lindsay.