711.922/104: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Siam (Neville)
29. Your Nos. 32, 33 and 34 of November 4. The last sentence of the Siamese counter proposal, in regard to immovable property, as received, does not seem to be complete inasmuch as it omits the stipulation that American nationals residents of such states shall be accorded all the rights in Siam accorded to Siamese nationals.
[Page 878]Assuming that the Siamese intended to grant this right and that the omission represents merely an oversight, it appears that the Siamese are proposing a change in form only.
Department desires that you strongly urge the Siamese Government to accept the proposal in its original form. The proposal was prepared after months of collaboration with interested Senators and influential persons and organizations. It would be extremely difficult to explain the change to them and ratification of the entire treaty would be seriously jeopardized on this ground alone. Throughout the entire course of the negotiations we have made a sincere effort to meet Siamese desires on points which they considered of special importance to them and we earnestly hope that they can meet our views on a point which we regard as highly important.
If the Siamese accept our original proposal for real property provisions in the treaty, you are authorized to accept their wording of the exchange of notes on real property, you may incorporate the monopoly provision in an exchange of notes, you may accept their latest wording for the protocol on just compensation and state the Department has already submitted your full powers to the President and is prepared upon signature thereof by the President to telegraph authority to you en clair.