724.3415/3580: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

48. President of League Commission in transmitting Paraguayan reply40 writes me as follows:

“The Paraguayan reply clearly closes the door to future negotiations on the basis of the draft treaty and I am afraid on any basis whatsoever as the delay concerning the Bolivian answer is due to the fact that, even after knowing that Paraguay is rejecting the draft treaty, some influential people in Bolivia do not even want to accept that draft which they consider far too favorable for Paraguay.

I am really distressed by the situation the Commission is going to leave behind them.

My comfort is that your Government and yourself have fully understood that situation and have given us their support.”

Paraguay’s counter offer suggests following general bases for peace.

Immediate cessation of hostilities under guarantees of security.
Withdrawal positions of belligerent forces to be equidistant from line existing when hostilities cease.
Paraguay to police the Chaco.
Subject matter for arbitration shall be to determine limits that in the western hinterland of Paraguay River and in nonarbitrated regions separated province of Paraguay from the military government of Chiquitos and from provinces of upper Peru.
Conference of limitrophe countries to convene after peace arranged and before initiating arbitration.
League Commission to fix responsibility for the war and the League to determine sanctions.
  1. League of Nations, Official Journal, July 1934, p. 791.