Executive Agreement Series No. 65
The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Chargé (Freitas-Valle)
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence concerning the proposed amendment of the Military Mission Agreement between the Governments of the United States of America and the United States of Brazil, signed at Washington on May 10, 1934, so as to permit of the designation of an officer of the Army of the United States of America to serve as a professor of Permanent Fortification Construction in the Course of Technical Construction of the Brazilian Army, the undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of America, duly authorized by his Government, begs to state that it will be entirely satisfactory to the Government of the United States of America to enter into such a supplementary agreement by an exchange of notes on the understanding that the said officer shall possess the same rights and privileges as the officers detailed in the original Contract of May 10, 1934; that the Agreement shall be considered as and be deemed to be an addendum to the said contract, in accordance with Article 7 thereof, and that it shall be regarded as having the same force and effect as if originally embodied in that contract.
The Government of the United States of America will be pleased to consider the above-stated understanding to be effective on the day of the receipt of a note from you stating the acceptance of the understanding by the Government of the United States of Brazil.
Accept [etc.]