810.5151 Williams Mission/39

Mr. John H. Williams, on Special Mission to Certain South American Countries, to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to submit herewith a preliminary report on my study of the Brazilian exchange problem.56 I have discussed this report with the Ambassador, and I am submitting it at this time upon his advice.

The final report will contain in addition a memorandum on the technical operation of the exchange control and a memorandum on the various complaints and reports regarding discrimination.57

It is clear from my interviews with Dr. Aranha and Dr. Souza Dantas that the Brazilian Government is anxious to reach a satisfactory [Page 588] settlement with the United States of the exchange problem, but that Dr. Aranha wishes to reserve the subject for discussion upon his arrival in Washington as Ambassador.58 In the meantime this preliminary report may be of some service to the Department, in preparation for such discussion.

The memorandum of the American Chamber of Commerce, referred to on page 3, has been submitted by the Embassy as enclosure to despatch No. 329 of July 20, 1934.59

Respectfully yours,

John H. Williams

[Mr. Williams terminated his mission in Rio de Janeiro on July 23, 1934, and, with his party, departed for Montevideo, Uruguay, on the same day (810.5151 Williams Mission/44).]

  1. The preliminary report, with minor verbal changes, was incorporated in the final report printed on p. 393 (see pp. 401406).
  2. Memoranda not printed.
  3. Dr. Aranha arrived in the United States September 13, 1934, and was received by President Roosevelt on October 2. For correspondence regarding exchange discussions in connection with the negotiation of the reciprocal trade agreement, see pp. 549578, passim.
  4. Not printed.