810.5151 Williams Mission/62
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell)
Sir: There are transmitted herewith two copies, one to be delivered to the Consul General, of the report of Dr. John H. Williams of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of his mission of investigation of American foreign exchange problems in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. These copies should be kept in the confidential files of the Embassy and the Consulate General, and precaution should be taken to prevent any material in the report from reaching unauthorized persons.
The Department would appreciate receiving by air mail any comments or expression of views which you may care to make on the matters treated in the report. It would be helpful to the Department in its consideration of the exchange problem if the Embassy, possibly in connection with the Commercial Attache and Consul General in Buenos Aires, were to prepare a study of the balance of payments between Argentina and the United States in 1933 and an advance estimate of the balance for 1934.
Very truly yours,