810.5151 Williams Mission/40

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

No. 367

Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 107 of June 30, 1934, Mr. John H. Williams, Mr. Donald R. Heath and Mr. Eric Lamb arrived in Buenos Aires from Montevideo on Sunday, July 29. As the Embassy has already reported, a fact-finding Committee was formed some time ago of Americans in business here, who are in close touch with the present exchange situation, to assist Mr. Williams during his stay in Buenos Aires. This Committee, headed by Mr. C. C. Batchelder of the General Electric Company, is composed of the American Consul General and representatives of the two American banks and other business concerns.

On July 30 there was a conference at the Embassy between Mr. Williams and his associates and the Committee, during which the [Page 528] factors in the Argentine exchange situation were explored. Following this meeting I presented Mr. Williams to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and to Dr. Manuel R. Alvarado, the Minister of Public Works, who is Acting Minister of Finance in the absence of Dr. Federico Pinedo. The Ministry of Finance is endeavoring to arrange a private meeting between Mr. Williams and Dr. Pinedo as well as put him in touch with Government officials in charge of exchange matters.

Respectfully yours,

Alexander W. Weddell