724.3415/3485: Telegram

The Minister in Paraguay (Nicholson) to the Acting Secretary of State

3. In a conversation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs today he said, with reference to Paraguay’s position as to the extension of the armistice, that rather than give Bolivia this opportunity to reestablish itself Paraguay would continue “to occupy forts abandoned by the Bolivians” until the rains set in which would be shortly when an armistice of fact will exist due to the impossibility of continuing warfare and Paraguay will have desired security during negotiations.

He said that Paraguay was awaiting the pronouncements to be made by the League Council on the 15th and he thought this should speed up the negotiations.

Regarding the departure of some of the members of the League Commission, he stated that Paraguay had no information on the subject but that if such is the case the Paraguayan Government probably will request that the commissioners remain as his Government is now more optimistic that a peace can be worked out.

Repeated to Buenos Aires and La Paz.
