
The Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Skinner-Klee) to the American Minister in Guatemala (Hanna)10

No. 7509
672 (73–0)

Mr. Minister: Making reference to the Memorandum of that Honorable Legation, dated January 31 of this year, and to previous correspondence, concerning the interpretation of Article IV of the Habana Convention on Commercial Aviation, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of Guatemala is in accord, in part, with the interpretation that the United States gives to said Article, to-wit: that the aircraft of serious companies of each of the contracting states may, in accord with the technical requisites concerning entrance and departure in conformity with the laws and regulations which are in force, enter the territory of another contracting state without the necessity of requesting official permission to make their flights through the Diplomatic Mission whose nationality the aircraft possesses or through the Diplomatic Mission of the country to be visited.

Consequently, the aircraft of American nationality and those of Guatemalan nationality, the property of serious and legally organized companies, may enter the territory of Guatemala and of the United States respectively without the necessity of obtaining previous official permission; but subjecting themselves to the laws and regulations in force in each country concerning passage over its territory or landing thereon or landing on its waters; and to give advice in writing and before making the flight to the Legation or Consulate nearest the place from which such flight is begun and before the arrival of the airship; the advice shall specify the type of airship, its manufacturer and special characteristics, registry number and name of the pilot; and, if possible, the probable date of arrival at the airport where it expects to alight on land or water.

Concerning private aircraft, with the respective official licenses, they may fly and land in Guatemalan territory in compliance with the regulations of the preceding paragraph and moreover giving previous advice of the flight in the following manner: by airmail ten days prior to making the flight, and by radiogram five days prior to the date of the flight.

I repeat [etc.]

A. Skinner-Klee
  1. Transmitted to the Department by the Minister in Guatemala in his despatch No. 292, August 11; received August 14.