
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)

No. 549

Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s instruction No. 470 of August 24, 1934, and to your despatch No. 1805 of September 25, 1934, regarding the question of Mexico’s cooperation with the United States, the five Central American Governments and Panama in reorganizing the Inter-American Highway Commission. In your despatch you reported that the then Minister for Foreign Affairs had suggested that the matter should be left open for consideration by the Administration of President Cárdenas.

At a meeting between officials of the Department and representatives of the Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of Agriculture, on December 7, 1934, the latter stressed the urgency of obtaining a favorable response from the Mexican Government in order to accelerate the development of this important project. The [Page 494] matter was discussed on the same day with the Mexican Ambassador, who is leaving shortly for Mexico City and who promised to bring it to the attention of his Government after his arrival there. In view of this undertaking on the part of Dr. González Koa, the moment would appear to be opportune for you again to present the matter to the appropriate authorities of the Mexican Government. In doing so, you will, of course, be guided by the Department’s instruction No. 470 of August 24, 1934.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles