The Chargé in Honduras (Gibson) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 28.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 631 of October 17, 1934,30 directing this Legation to inform the Honduran Government of the appropriations made by the Congress of the United States toward cooperation with other governments in connection with the survey and construction of the proposed Inter-American Highway and inviting recommendations as to the ways in which these funds may be expended to the best advantage.
In accordance with this instruction, the Foreign Office has been advised of these appropriations and the Legation has inquired whether the Honduran Government will accept the route through Honduras laid down in the reconnaissance survey report, a copy of which, in accordance with the Department’s instruction of May 28, 1934,31 was furnished the Honduran Government.
From a cursory study of the proposed highway in Honduras and the general reaction to it here, I feel that the best recommendation would be for the United States Government to carry out what the Department states it intends doing, that is to expend the appropriations in the United States for road building machinery and other equipment which could not be purchased by Honduras but which is essential for the construction of such a highway. The public interest felt in Honduras for the highway cannot be called great, particularly as not more than ninety miles will be through Honduran territory, and due to the present condition of the finances, even were the interest greater, the appropriation of any funds for materials is out of the question. The construction of an all weather highway, eighteen feet wide, across swampy, low-lying territory with numerous bridges and trestles made necessary by the broken nature of the country is therefore impossible without abundant assistance in the way of building materials and skilled engineers from outside sources.
This need for road building equipment of all kinds was explained to Minister Lay by President Carías some eight months ago and it was pointed out by him at that time that with such a contribution Honduras would supply the labor which would expedite the building of the Honduran section.
[Page 491]There is enclosed copy and translation of the note from the Honduran Foreign Office with respect to the route acceptable to the Honduran Government, as well as remarks on the type of pavement to be used.
Respectfully yours,