
The Secretary of State to Diplomatic and Consular Officers in Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala

Sirs: The following excerpt from a recent instruction6 with reference to the Inter-American Highway project is quoted for your information and guidance:

“As you know, the Government of the United States has on several occasions, at times in conjunction with the other member States of the Pan American Union, expressed its interest in the proposed Inter-American Highway, and in evidence of that interest has already defrayed most of the cost of a reconnaissance survey of the proposed route through Central America.

“The Government of the United States has felt free to express this interest, and to give this assistance, only because evidence has been presented to it of a spontaneous desire on the part of the interested governments that the highway be built.

“The Department has never endeavored to convince the other American governments of the utility or advantage of the highway to them. It believes that such action on its part might lead to misunderstanding and to possible misinterpretation of its motives.

“The Department desires that you be guided by the above in your conversations with reference to the Inter-American Highway Project.”

Very truly yours.

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles
  1. Instruction No. 45, May 31, to the Minister in Costa Rica, not printed.