713.1311/244: Telegram

The Minister in Costa Rica (Sack) to the Secretary of State

11. Before receipt today of No. 51 from Managua14 Foreign Minister Gurdián called at the Legation for two purposes:

To seek my assistance to determine whether Guatemala would heed his request for postponement of Conference.
To hint that unless Conference date is postponed and Costa Rica is provided in advance with a specific agenda Costa Rica would not participate in the conference.

I informed Foreign Minister that I would, as a personal courtesy, seek information from Guatemala as to plan on postponement and am accordingly requesting such information from Guatemala. Heretofore, and again today, told Minister that the United States observing hands-off policy as to Conference.

Detailed exposition of Costa Rican views on Conference air mailed today.

Repeated to Central American missions.

  1. Not printed.