721.23/2139: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva
135. Your 230, March 14, 6 p.m., has been most helpful. For your strictly confidential information Gibson cables that Mello Franco states that while there is nothing concrete to report, he feels that much has been done to improve friendly spirit of negotiations; Mello Franco does not consider it wise to rush matters, but despite difficulties is still optimistic of settlement before League mandate expires; if settlement is not reached before expiration he believes Peru will ask for extension and that while there are some doubts about Colombia’s attitude he believes it can be arranged that Colombia join in request for extension. The Brazilian Foreign Office, however, while having some hope of a settlement before expiration of League mandate, is less optimistic than Mello Franco and doubts whether Colombia would accept extension.
With reference to paragraphs 3 and 7 of your telegram under acknowledgment, you may say that we greatly appreciate the suggestion for an expression of our views; that we continue to desire to do everything we appropriately can to assist towards a peaceful settlement; and that for the moment at least we do not feel sufficiently informed of all developments and details of this matter to venture an expression of views.
As soon as replies are received from Colombia and Peru commenting on the letter of January 23 from the President of the Leticia Commission please cable substance thereof.