725.34/32: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

119. Last Saturday I discussed the Department’s telegram No. 79, August 10, 3 p.m., with the Minister for Foreign Affairs who told me that he was in communication with the Chilean and Paraguayan Governments regarding a formula, the principal points of which he outlined, to settle their differences, that he was reducing it to final shape and would advise me shortly as to developments. Yesterday the Minister for Foreign Affairs handed me a copy of an identic telegram he had sent to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay and Chile which stated in effect that the Argentine Ministry for Foreign Affairs had invited to come to the Ministry, jointly with the American and Brazilian Ambassadors, the diplomatic representatives of Chile and Paraguay to express to the latter on behalf of their Governments their profound regret at learning of the incident, et cetera; that he (the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs) had received the mission to request the Chilean and Paraguayan Ministers for Foreign Affairs to express their agreement to the reestablishment of normal diplomatic relations maintaining their respective ordinary representatives and leaving these representatives to discuss amicably questions relating to neutrality. A translation of the last paragraph of the telegram reads as follows:

“The mentioned Governments of Paraguay, Brazil, the United States and Argentina at the same time declare, on the receipt of the reply which I permit myself to request, that they hope for Chile’s contribution in the pacific efforts which are being made to end the Chaco War, on a basis of mutual confidence and sentiments of solidarity.”

The Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs then stated that President Ayala had just informed him that the above formula was acceptable provided that the word “Paraguay” and the phrase “on a basis of mutual, et cetera” be eliminated. The Minister for Foreign [Page 312] Affairs hopes the Chilean Government can be persuaded to agree to omissions requested by Paraguay.

At Minister for Foreign Affairs’ request I am meeting him this afternoon at Brazilian Embassy.
