725.34/24a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Paraguay (Nicholson)

30. This Government views with great concern the withdrawal of the Chilean Minister from Asunción and the possibility that a complete rupture of diplomatic relations between Paraguay and Chile may result therefrom. A break in relations between two of the American Republics would at any time be a matter of apprehension to this Government, but it would be peculiarly so at this time in view of the fact that such a rupture of relations might seriously prejudice the successful outcome of the existing negotiations for the pacific solution of the Chaco dispute.4

Please obtain, at the earliest opportunity, an interview with President Ayala and inquire of him confidentially whether the Government of Paraguay would desire to avail itself of the friendly services of the Government of the United States in attempting to find a solution of the present controversy between Paraguay and Chile which might be equally acceptable to both Governments. You should, of course, be careful to state that this Government has no opinion to express regarding the merits of the existing controversy.

This Government has been advised by the Government of Brazil that it is addressing a similar inquiry to the Government of Paraguay and should the Government of Paraguay so desire, the Government of the United States will be glad to act jointly with the Government of Brazil in the matter.

Please cable the reply made to your inquiry at the earliest possible moment.

  1. See pp. 32 ff.