724.3415/3701: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva
159. Please transmit the following message to the Secretary General for the Chairman of the Council’s Committee of Three dealing with the Chaco conflict:
“The receipt is acknowledged of your telegram of May 20 requesting information as to whether this Government is prepared to participate [Page 245] in cooperation with other governments in prohibiting the sale of arms and munitions of war to the Governments of Bolivia and Paraguay. On May 18 this Government caused to be introduced in Congress a Joint Resolution to confer the necessary authority upon the President. This Joint Resolution was passed without a dissenting vote by both Houses of Congress and was approved by the President today. Acting under this Resolution, the President has today issued a Proclamation71 prohibiting the sale of arms and munitions to the Governments of Bolivia and Paraguay or to any person, company or association, acting in the interest of either country, until otherwise ordered by the President or by Congress, admonishing all citizens of the United States to abstain from violation of the provisions of the Joint Resolution and enjoining all officers of the United States, charged with the execution of the laws, to exert the utmost diligence in preventing violations of the prohibition.
This Government has not wished to make its action in this matter subject to any specific conditions. It hopes, however, that the cooperation of other governments may be secured to an extent sufficient to assure a complete stoppage of shipments.”
Please ascertain and report the time at which this exchange of telegrams will be released in Geneva.