710.G Commercial Agreement/47
The Belgian Chargé (De Ligne) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Sayre)
My Dear Sayre: Referring to our recent conversations on the subject, I take pleasure in transmitting you information which I have just received by cable from Brussels, concerning the attitude of the Belgian delegate at Geneva on the Montevideo question.
Mr. Van Langenhove7 insisted on the importance of the Pan American Union Convention, the text of which was distributed to all the members present.
He asked that the report highly recommend the said Convention, and suggested that it be brought to the special attention of all Governments.
Our delegate thought it wiser not to adopt the form discussed by us, fearing that it might rouse opposition of different countries, particularly England and Italy. Nevertheless, it seems that the result we were so anxious to secure has been attained by the more general form adopted by our delegate, after having discussed the matter with your [Page 13] Consul General in Geneva who was, as you are aware, in contact with Washington.
The telegram further states that Mr. Van Langenhove has been in touch with the various American press agencies.
I am so pleased to have been able to be of assistance in the matter. Besides, you know how similar our ideas are, on the subject.
Believe me, my dear Sayre, with kindest personal regards,
Yours very sincerely,
- Belgian delegate to the League of Nations Assembly and member of the Economic Commission.↩