724.3415/4332: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

322. Department’s 116, November 15, 6 p.m.74

“Geneva, Switzerland, November 15, 1934.

My dear Mr. Avenol: In response to your letter which you addressed me under date of November 13, 1934, and in which you courteously drew my attention to the resolution adopted on November 12 by the Assembly Committee on the dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay I am instructed to express to you the appreciation of my Government for your message.

As I have informed you personally in the course of our recent conversations the Secretary of State has on various occasions made clear that the United States of America has stood ready and stands ready to contribute in any feasible way to the efforts of any agency engaged in the promotion of peace, acting on its independent judgment as the exigencies of each case may suggest. This is a policy which I feel it scarcely necessary to add has been demonstrated on a number of occasions in the relationship of the Government of the United States to the efforts of various peace agencies which have concerned themselves with the unfortunate situation in the Chaco.

In pursuance of this policy my Government has adopted a friendly attitude toward the League Committee which now has this question before it. My Government does not, however, under the circumstances now existing deem this particular moment as opportune for collaboration with that Committee. It will, however, give the communication you have addressed me its favorable consideration and, should in the future a time arrive when in the opinion of my Government its cooperation with the League endeavors in this respect would appear to prove useful in the furtherance of peace in the Chaco, I shall so inform you and at the same time indicate the form in which the cooperation of the United States of America may be offered.

I am, my dear Mr. Avenol, very sincerely yours. Prentiss Gilbert.”

This will be released here today at 3 p.m., Geneva time.

  1. Not printed.