800.51W89 U.S.S.R./21½

Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley) of a Conversation With the Ambassador of the Soviet Union (Troyanovsky)

Mr. Troyanovsky stated that there were several points in the draft note relating to the settlement of claims which I handed to him on the day before which he would like to have clarified.3

He thought that the last paragraph with regard to the waiver of claims by his Government and Soviet nationals was too broad and was in fact inconsistent with the first paragraph. I went over the paragraph with him and said that I was inclined to agree with him that the paragraph needed revision.
The Ambassador stated that the references to credits in the second, third, and fourth paragraphs were not clear to him. He said that in the second and fourth paragraphs reference was made to “all credits” and that in the third paragraph there appeared to be a definition of what was to be considered as a credit. He understood the meaning of the definition, but was uncertain whether the phrase “all credits” meant only all credits of the variety referred to in the third paragraph, or all credits of whatever nature.
He stated that the fifth paragraph provides for the payment of interest at the rate of five per cent on the sum of $150,000,000. He stated that according to Mr. Litvinoff the gentlemen’s agreement [Page 66] with the President4 did not provide for the payment of interest on the amount to be agreed upon in settlement of claims.

I told Mr. Troyanovsky that I would look into the points he mentioned at once.

Robert F. Kelley
  1. See telegram No. 35, April 7, 5 p.m., to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union, p. 78.
  2. See memorandum by President Roosevelt and the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, November 15, 1933, p. 26.