
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat)

The appointed Soviet Ambassador64 during the course of a call commented on Mr. Molotov’s recent speech belittling the British offer in the formation of an Anglo-Franco-Russian Front. He said that the Soviet position had not varied one iota during the last month or six weeks. Russia was not pursuing the British or the French, but, on the other hand, was not modifying her position to meet their wishes. Unfortunately, he felt that the delay in reaching an understanding between the British and the Russians was giving aid and comfort to the Germans. He felt that the situation in Europe was rapidly deteriorating and that the Germans and Italians acting jointly might soon be expected to precipitate a crisis. He would not predict when this would take place but he assumed it would be some time this summer. He also made a rather cryptic remark that there was still considerable elbow room for Germany in Europe without bringing Germany to the frontiers of the U. S. S. R.

Pierrepont Moffat
  1. Konstantin Alexandrovich Umansky, who presented his letter of credence to the President on June 6, 1939.