
The Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Kelley) to the Acting Secretary of State

Mr. Phillips: Mr. Boris Bakhmeteff was received in July 1917 as Ambassador of the Provisional Government of Russia by this Government, which continued to recognize him in that capacity until June 30, 1922. After that date, when Mr. Bakhmeteff retired as Ambassador, the custody of the property of the State of Russia in this country, including the Russian Embassy building, was considered to vest in Mr. Serge Ughet, Russian Financial Attaché, whose diplomatic status with this Government was not altered. Several months ago Mr. Ughet notified the Department that he was unable longer to continue the upkeep of the Embassy building and requested the Department to assume custody thereof. Shortly thereafter the Department took over custody of the building.

Yesterday, some of the records which had been stored in the Embassy building were moved to a more convenient place where they could be consulted by representatives of the Soviet Government and officials of the Government of the United States in connection with discussions which are now taking place between the two Governments. The transfer of the records in question made with the full knowledge of Mr. Litvinov.

R[obert] F. K[elley]