711.61/591: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:53 p.m.]
18. My 16, January 11, 1 p.m. I should like to invite the Department’s attention to the special importance of Molotov’s statement to the effect that the rapprochement between the U.S.S.R. and the United States of America “has enormous significance from the point of view of the preservation of peace”. In this connection reference is made to Litvinov’s statements referred to in the Ambassador’s10 telegram 478, November 9, 10 p.m.11 and the statements of Troyanovski reported in the Ambassador’s telegram 526 [506], November 23, 9 p.m.12 with respect to the unimportance of relations with the United States in view of American determination to remain aloof from world affairs. Troyanovski told me several days ago that he felt that he was making headway in his efforts to offset tendencies in certain Soviet circles to belittle the importance of the United States as a factor in world affairs at the present time but that he was being handicapped [Page 285] by recent developments in American neutrality policies which tended to curtail still further the influence of the United States in international politics.
Molotov’s words would seem to indicate that the efforts of Troyanovski and others who hold his views had not been without success. It is probable that the President’s message13 and particularly his condemnation of autocracy and aggression played an important part in this development.