861.00 Congress, Communist International, VII/72: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bullitt)

195. 1. Your 363 to 369, August 21, have been carefully considered by the Department and the President.

2. The President and I feel that it is necessary to make a formal written protest to the Soviet Government. Accordingly there is quoted below the text of a draft note which the President has approved and which it is desired you present to the Acting Commissar for Foreign Affairs at earliest possible date. Please telegraph hour after appointment made.

3. Should you have any suggestions as to wording of draft note please cable them immediately for Department’s consideration.

4. In presenting note to Foreign Office you may desire to state that in accordance with instructions from your Government the text of the note will be given to the press. You should release text promptly after completing call and telegraph Department time of release in order that Department may make text available to press here at same time.

[Here follows draft text of the note. For the text with minor verbal changes as delivered to the Soviet Foreign Office, August 25, 1935, see the press release issued August 25, page 250.]
