125.631/22a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Wiley)
27. Consulate General is hereby abolished. You are instructed to establish immediately in the Embassy a Consular Section to handle consular work hitherto performed by the Consulate General. It is [Page 178] expected that the Consular Section will consist of the organization and staff of the former Consulate General.
Ward and Durbrow assigned to Embassy and designated Second and Third Secretaries respectively. In informing Foreign Office of these assignments you should state that Ward will be chief of the Consular Section.
Inasmuch as Ward and Durbrow will function in the eyes of this Government in both diplomatic and consular capacity they should sign all documents of a consular nature in their consular capacity. A consular seal should be used in performing technical consular services.