
The Consul General at Canton (Ballantine) to the Minister in China (Johnson)19

No. 26

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 16 of January 23, 1931,20 on the subject, “Apparently Irregular Taxes Imposed on Foreign Goods at Wuchow”, and to the Legation’s instruction of February 4, 1931,20 enclosing a copy of its note No. 244 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,21 I have the honor to state that a communication has now been received from the Mayor of Wuchow to the effect that instructions have been issued by the 8th Route Army Headquarters at Wuchow directing that the assessment of the Hsiakwan tax be discontinued. A copy of the note from the Mayor of Wuchow dated February 19, 1931, together with an English translation, is enclosed.20

The Standard Oil Company has been informed of the contents of the communication from the Mayor of Wuchow.

I have [etc.]

J. W. Ballantine
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in his despatch No. 851, March 9; received April 7.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Ante, p. 985.
  5. Not printed.