793.003/618: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)


106. (1) The Department today telegraphed to Minister Johnson at Nanking in part as follows:

[Here follows text of paragraphs (1), (3), (4), and (5) of telegram No. 27, April 25, 1931, noon, to Nanking, printed supra.]

(2) The references in the third paragraph quoted above concern reports on the progress of the Sino-British draft. In our negotiations we are trying as far as possible to parallel the Chinese-British accords.

In a telegram of April 20, 11 a.m., from Nanking, Minister Johnson reported that he had been informed by Sir Miles Lampson that the British Foreign Secretary had handed the Chinese Minister in Great Britain an aide-mémoire which disclosed the British Government’s readiness to concede jurisdiction over criminal cases, and the new American draft is being prepared on the basis of relinquishing criminal jurisdiction.

(3) The British Foreign Office should be informed of the substance of the above.
