
The British Embassy to the Department of State


The Chinese Government have appealed to the League under Article 11 of the Covenant to intervene in the Mukden affair and the Council were to discuss the question on the morning of the 23rd of September.

His Majesty’s Government and the French Government agree in favouring a proposal for the simultaneous withdrawal of troops and the despatch of the British and French Military Attachés from Tokio to Mukden, whither the Military Attachés from Peking have already proceeded. The Military Attachés would act as neutral observers on the spot to verify withdrawal, so that each side might have assurances that the other side were carrying out their part. The proposal for the withdrawal of troops and the despatch of neutral observers would have the object of preparing the ground for direct negotiations; if these failed or proved difficult, either side might then invoke outside intervention.

His Majesty’s Government desire to inform the United States Government of the action they are taking and they would be glad to learn whether or not the latter contemplate urging moderation on both sides.