793.94/2246: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Nanking (Peck)
98. For the Minister: Your October 20, noon. The Department’s No. 96, sent you yesterday (1 p.m.) before the receipt of the complete text of your telegrams under reference, will have made clear to you the attitude and aims of the Department with reference to the Manchurian situation and the limitations within which our representative at Geneva [Page 293] was instructed to cooperate with the Council of the League. You will note that [Paraphrase.] he was to refrain scrupulously from taking part in discussing measures which might be under the Council’s consideration under and in relation to League Covenant provisions or those of any instrument other than the Kellogg Pact. [End paraphrase.]
In view of the above and with special reference to paragraph 8 of your telegram under reference, the Department is strongly of the opinion that the suggestion at this time of recourse to possible lines of procedure other than such as may be under consideration at Geneva, or of any agency for the settlement of the question other than the agency which is now especially struggling with it, namely the Council of the League, would tend merely further to confuse the situation.
Department feels that for the time being, although possibilities in connection with the Nine-Power Treaty may be discussed among its officers and representatives, discussion thereof with others should in no case be upon our initiative and should for the most part be avoided.
Your paragraph 9. The Department concurs and approves of your meetings with President Chiang.